Almost Human

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Almost Human

Voltaire - Almost Human.jpg

CD - USA - 1st edition.

Artist Voltaire
Published 2000-05-??
Type Studio
Genre Goth, Dark wave, Dark cabaret
Themes Satan, existentialism, suicide, Goth culture

Almost Human is the second studio by Voltaire, released on CD in May 2000. The songs are a variety of Goth, dark wave, and dark cabaret and the lyrics in a few of the songs are sung from the perspective of Satan and the others are thematic of existentialism and describe suicide and Goth culture.


Own?Yes. First edition CD signed by the artist.

I first heard this album in 2002 through my girlfriend at the time. She had heard Voltaire from the Unquiet Grave III compilation and bought his first couple albums. Since I still considered myself religious at the time, I initially found his irreverent lyrics rather childish and insulting. So, when my girlfriend said she bought me one of his albums for my birthday, I was a bit angry (though she never did get the album to give to me). Prior to us breaking up, she had me make copies of Voltaire's first three albums, and they mostly remained unheard on my shelf. However, after I stopped brooding on the relationship I gave Voltaire another chance, and, now more irreligious myself, I found the music far more palatable. I still don't fully enjoy the discordant music and vocals, but I now see the wisdom in a lot of the lyrics.

Track listing

All songs sung by Voltaire.

Track Title Composers Rank Rating
01 Out of Reach Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 9 Rating-4.svg
02 Dunce Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 6 Rating-5.svg
03 Feathery Wings Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 4 Rating-5.svg
04 Almost Human Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 5 Rating-5.svg
05 God Thinks Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 1 Rating-8.svg
06 Anastasia Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 8 Rating-4.svg
07 Dead Girls Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 12 Rating-2.svg
08 Underground Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 10 Rating-4.svg
09 Ringo no Uta Hachiro Sato, Manjome Tadashi 14 Rating-1.svg
10 The Headless Waltz Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 11 Rating-2.svg
11 Alchemy Mondays Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 2 Rating-7.svg
12 The Last Word Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 3 Rating-6.svg
13 The Night Aurelio Voltaire Hernández, George Grant, Gregor Kitzis, Matthew Goeke 7 Rating-5.svg
14 El Barquito de Nuez Francisco Gabilondo Soler 13 Rating-1.svg

The album's total score is 318.


Album Art


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