Alto's Adventure

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Alto's Adventure

Alto's Adventure - AND - Screenshot - Title.png

Android - USA - Title screen.

Developer Snowman
Publisher Snowman
Published 2015-02-19
Platforms Android, iOS, tvOS, Windows, Windows App
Genres Action, Runner, Casual, Multi-genre, Passive puzzle, Puzzle
Themes Sports
Series Alto
Distribution Adware, Crippleware

Alto's Adventure is an endless action snowboarding game developed and published by Snowman and released for iOS on 2015-02-19 and then ported to several other mobile devices. In the game, you play a South American who is watching over a heard of llamas at the top of a mountain. One night, while you are dozing off, the llamas escaped their pen and began running down the mountain. You must hop on your trusty snowboard and chase after them before the elders punish you! While snowboarding, you can perform tricks for speed boosts and collect coins to purchase items to make you faster, but you must also avoid hazards and the elders who are trying to catch you.



I found this game online in 2016 while looking for a new free game to play on my tablet. I initially enjoyed the attractive appearance and soothing music, but slowly became more and more annoyed with it. When I saw the sequel was essentially a reskin of the original, I made no attempt to play it.

I've unlocked all of the snowboarders and reached level 52, but I haven't completed all of the goals.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
3 4 7 7 2

Best Version: Android

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The game looks gorgeous. Simple, yet effective art work, and the transition from night to day and rain to sun is perfect. Harry Nesbitt's art is beautiful.
  • Brian Crawford's background music is both calming and invigorating, Torin Borrowdale's Zen music is very soothing, and the sound effects are perfect for the game.
  • Zen mode is a nice addition that lets you play endlessly and practice difficult tricks without fear of having to restart.
  • The mini goals extend the length of the otherwise repetitive game.
  • I like the slow motion that comes into play when you jump over a chasm.


  • The main premise of the game (collecting escaped llamas) is, aside from a few rare mini goals, entirely pointless to your success in the game.
  • Most of the power-ups are not helpful. The horn increases llamas, which helps only a handful of mini goals. The feather makes you less likely to hit rocks, but also slows you down and prevents you from boosting off ice. The wing suit, though fun, is very hard to activate because of how many tricks you must do in rapid succession, and it's only necessary on a few goals. The only useful power-up is the magnet, which lets you collect more coins.
  • Late in the game, the mini goals become so difficult you end up having to buy your way past most of them.
  • The low-to-high chasm is so difficult to pass, unless there is a way to boost just before it, you will typically end your run when you encounter it. But, since the mountain is randomly made, there's no telling if it will contain such a dead end.


  • The game is extremely repetitive. The 2 minute trailer showcases nearly everything the game has to offer.
  • You can just keep watching ads to get more money to buy you way through the goals. In reality, you could unlock everything in the game simply by watching ads and never once playing the game!




Fan Art


Game play.


Strong female character?PassMaya is a strong playable character.
Bechdel test?FailThere is no dialogue.
Strong person of color character?PassAll of the characters are South American.
Queer character?FailThere are no clear queer characters.


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