Biolab Disaster

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Biolab Disaster

Biolab Disaster - WEB - Screenshot - Title.png

Title screen.

Developer Dominic Szablewski
Publisher Dominic Szablewski
Published 2012-09-13
Platforms Android, Browser, iOS
Genres Platform shooter, Platformer, Shooter
Themes Science fiction
Distribution Freeware

Biolab Disaster is a platform shooter developed and published by Dominic Szablewski as a browser game on 2010-09-13, and later ported to iOS and Android. The game was an early adopter of HTML5 techniques instead of being based on Flash or similar browser engines.

In the game, an alien outbreak has occurred in your lab. Being the sole survivor, you must shoot your way through the alien monsters to unlock the super computer at the end.


Own?No. This game was never sold.

I came across this game not too long after it was published online and was quite impressed by it as I had not yet seen a browser game of its quality that didn't rely on a plug-in.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
4 4 5 5 2

Best Version: Browser

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • Though only a demo, the game was one of the first impressive-looking games which showcased just what was possible with the recently-released HTML5 canvas, a sign of things to come for Flash.
  • The pixel graphics are quite nice.
  • The background music by Andreas Loesch is well-composed, and the sound effects fit the theme.
  • Despite its short length, the game has a fair amount of variety. There are several different monsters, particle effects, and moving platforms.
  • Using frequent save points helps keep the action fast-moving.


  • The main character's movement feels a little floaty.
  • I don't really understand what is supposed to be happening at the end.


  • With only two levels, the game is too short to have any depth. This is forgivable since it was designed as a demo for the game engine, but still a major downside.




Longplay - Browser.
Speedrun - Browser.

Play Online



Strong female character?FailNo characters are clearly women.
Bechdel test?FailNo characters are clearly women.
Strong person of color character?FailNo characters are clearly non-white.
Queer character?FailNo characters are clearly queer.


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