Castlevania: The Adventure

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Castlevania: The Adventure

Castlevania - Adventure, The - GB - Germany.jpg

Game Boy - Germany - 1st edition.

Developer Konami Industry
Publisher Konami
Published 1989-10-27
Platforms Game Boy
Genres Beat 'em up, Platformer
Themes Action, Horror, Vampires
Series Castlevania
Distribution Commercial

Castlevania: The Adventure is an action platform video game developed and published by Konami and released on 1989-10-27 for the Game Boy. It is part of the Castlevania series.



I tried playing this game several times, but became so frustrated by the poor controls, I gave up by the second stage.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
2 1 4 3 2

Best Version: Game Boy

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The graphics are quite good for a Game Boy game.


  • The game runs too slowly. It feels like it's lagging all the time.
  • Most of the music is derivative of previous games in the series, except they sound worse, and not just because of the weaker audio hardware. The music that is new to this game isn't very good.
  • With only four levels, the game is especially short, even for a Game Boy game. The designers tried to give it a bit more life by making each replay harder by having enemies deal double damage, but that's no replacement for a game play.
  • The sprites seem to be drawn slightly after the background making them look out of sync.


  • The controls are particularly bad. Like with previous Castlevania titles, you can't change direction mid-jump, and enemy knock-back obnoxiously sends you flying in the opposite direction. All too frequently you wind up falling to your death in a pit. The jumps are also painfully short and slow, making it difficult to clear enemies or short gaps. There is also a problem with jumping at an angle, many times, even when you're pressing left of right on the D-pad, you will jump straight up instead.


Box Art




Review - Game Boy Works.
Review - Game Boy World.

Play Online

Game Boy (Europe), Game Boy (Japan), Game Boy (USA)


Strong female character?FailThere are no women.
Bechdel test?FailThere are no women.
Strong person of color character?FailEveryone appears to be white.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Castlevania: The Adventure
Japanese ドラキュラ伝説 Dracula Densetsu Dracula Legend


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