Dancing Monster

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Dancing Monster

Dancing Monster - C64 - UK.jpg

Commodore 64 - UK - Cassette - 1st edition.

Developer Commodore Business Machines Ltd.
Publisher Commodore Business Machines Ltd.
Published 1983-??-??
Platforms Commodore 64
Genres Action
Themes Fantasy, Surreal
Distribution Commercial

Dancing Monster is a bizarre action video game developed and published by Commodore Business Machines Ltd. for the Commodore 64 in 1983.

In the game's story, a wicked wizard has cast a spell on a beautiful princess and changed her into a hideous monster and forced her to dance forever. You must use your magic ray to remove the monster from her piece by piece in a specific order. If you take to long to shoot, you will lose, but, if you miss too much, parts you've already shot off will grow back.


Won?Yes. Fast speed, 1:46.

I saw this game reviewed on a YouTube video and thought it looked terrifying, so I decided to try it out myself. I first played it on slow to get the feel of it. After I beat it, I jumped the difficulty all the way up to very fast speed and beat that too with a time of 1:46.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
3 2 3 3 2

Best Version: Commodore 64

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The monster looks pretty creepy and becomes even creepier as it loses it appendages.
  • The cover art is pretty good.


  • The sound effects are annoying and the music is just a public domain rendition of Hall of the Mountain King.
  • The hit boxes on the lower extremities, especially the tail and legs, are poorly defined. "Toes" would have been a much better description, since that's really what you have to shoot.


  • The game is highly repetitive and not very fun. All you're doing is shooting at targets that move to a pattern, you don't do anything else, and the only real goal you can set id to hit the targets as fast as possible.
  • The game isn't very challenging. Even at the fastest speed, it can be finished by an amateur in a couple minutes. Losing is effectively impossible as long you you shoot regularly, and, even if you miss too many times, you just have to shoot the parts that grow back.


Box Art




Review - Nostalgia Nerd.
Longplay - Slow.


Strong female character?FailThe sole woman is a damsel in distress.
Bechdel test?FailThere is only one woman.
Strong person of color character?FailThe only character is white.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Role Staff
By Peter Dekany, Denes Baan


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