Heiankyo Parameters

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Heiankyo Parameters

Heiankyo Parameters - WEB - Screenshot - Title.png

Browser - Screenshot - Title.

Developer Nekogames
Publisher Nekogames
Published 2014-??-??
Platforms Browser
Genres Clicker, Incremental, Real-time strategy, Single-screen
Series Parameters
Distribution Freeware

Heiankyo Parameters is an incremental clicker video game developed and published by Nekogames in 2014 as a free browser game and the sequel to Parameters. The game uses a simple graphical user interface where the bulk of the game is played by clicking the mouse and hovering the cursor over certain areas.

The game takes place in feudal Japan and your goal is to conquer the city. You do this by clicking territories to control them. Territories under your control will pay you money that you must collect. The more territories you control, the more experience and money you can collect, which allows you to control more territory faster. You're able to purchase upgrades and buy shops, hirelings, and more powerful weapons and armor. Territory controlled by opponents must be conquered and will encroach on your own if you don't pay attention. Once you control the whole city, you win.


Own?No. This game was never sold.

I found this game while looking for other titles from Nekogames in Flashpoint.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
4 3 2 1 4

Best Version: Browser


  • There is a nice variety of upgrades you can buy.
  • It was fun seeing the character sprite from Heiankyo Alien as your hirelings.


  • As with most clickers, there isn't much strategy. There are things you can to do optimize the process, but that's not very exciting. It's mostly just a way to kill time.
  • Money and experience that pops out of territory on the left-most edge of the screen sometimes goes beyond were you're able to collect it.
  • My PC is far more powerful than what would have been available when the game was made, but I still experienced slowdown, so, the game could do with a lot of optimization.


  • The game is lacking polish. It is composed of programmer media with an ugly color palette and graphics.





Play Online



Strong female character?FailThere are no women.
Bechdel test?FailThere are no women.
Strong person of color character?FailAlthough everyone is Japanese, none of the characters are important.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Heiankyo Parameters
Japanese 平安京パラメータ Heiankyo Parameta Heiankyo Parameters
