It's Blitz

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It's Blitz

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz.jpg

CD - USA - first edition.

Artist Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Published 2009-03-06
Type Studio
Genre Synth-pop, Synth-punk, Alternative pop
Themes Relationships, breakups

It's Blitz is the third studio album by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, published on 2009-03-06 on CD and digital release. The album is largely pop and pop punk coupled with heavy use of synthesizers. Like with so many of their previous songs, the lyrics are quite nebulous, but seem to be about relationships and breakups.


Own?Yes - CD.

After seeing a short clip of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs perform Maps on MTV, I sought out their music and enjoyed the first studio album and EP. I think I stopped pay attention to them for a while after that, but, after they released It's Blitz, I got caught up, and this ended up being my favorite album of theirs.

Track Listing

All songs are sung by Karen O and all written by Brian Chase, Karen Orzolek, and Nick Zinner.

Track Title Rank Rating
1 Zero 1 Rating-7.svg
2 Heads Will Roll 8 Rating-1.svg
3 Soft Shock 2 Rating-6.svg
4 Skeletons 7 Rating-1.svg
5 Dull Life 5 Rating-5.svg
6 Shame and Fortune 9 Rating-0.svg
7 Runaway 5 Rating-5.svg
8 Dragon Queen 10 Rating-0.svg
9 Hysteric 4 Rating-5.svg
10 Little Shadow 6 Rating-5.svg

The album's total score is 162.


Album Art


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