Little House (universe)

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Little House is a collection of books and films comprised of the mostly historical memoirs of Laura Ingalls Wilder and various fictional books and films that expand on the theme.


My mother owned a copy of the first six books in this series. As a young child, she read some of them to us. My sister and I were big fans, although I don't remember my older brother being as interested. I only remember her reading Little House in the Big Woods and Little House On the Prairie to us in completion, but I know she also started reading us By the Shores of Silver Lake, but stopped due to the depressing beginning, and then started On the Banks of Plum Creek, but never finished. In the early 1990s, I read Little House in the Big Woods on my own, and, later, in my 20s, read the first six books. When Emily moved in with me, I would often read to her at night to help her fall asleep, and, although she was adverse to children's books at first, she quickly appreciated the series, and I bought the books I was missing, and read her the entire series. I'm looking forward to my daughters being old enough to read the series to them as well.


Core Books

These books were originally illustrated by Helen Sewell, but, when they were reprinted in the 1950s, new illustrations by Garth Williams were used.

Other Books

New Series



