Little Inferno

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Little Inferno

Little Inferno - STEAM - Title Card.jpg

Steam - World - Title card.

Developer Tomorrow Corporation
Publisher Tomorrow Corporation
Published 2012-11-18
Platforms Android, iOS, Linux, Macintosh, Switch Wii U, Windows
Genres Active puzzle, Passive puzzle, Puzzle, Sandbox
Themes Cartoon, Surreal, Suspense
Distribution Commercial

Little Inferno is a sandbox puzzle video game developed and published by Tomorrow Corporation and first released on the Wii U on 2012-11-18, then ported to several other platforms.

The game takes a past time that many people enjoy, setting fire to things you're not supposed to burn because you're bored, and makes a game out of it. There is also a story which takes place as you burn things.


Own?Yes. On Steam.
Won?Yes. Not quite 100% completion.

I got this game as part of a Humble Indie Bundle, and very much enjoyed it. By itself, it was worth the cost of the bundle.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
6 5 6 4 4

Best Version: Windows

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The game world has a wonderfully desolate atmosphere.
  • There is an element of creepiness to the game with scary toys and the mysterious, often dark little girl.
  • Unlocking goals by burning various items together is an interesting mechanic.
  • The wealth of burnable objects and various animations created when they're burned together is quite impressive.


  • While many of the goals can be determined based on clues from their name, I found that several of them made little sense, or would have worked better with a different item. This caused me a lot of wasted time.
  • Having to beat the game again, while holding onto the hug coupon was awfully annoying for such a minor reward.


  • Nothing.





Strong female character?FailSugar Lumps is interesting, but not exactly integral to the story.
Bechdel test?FailNo women ever talk to each other.
Strong person of color character?FailEvery character is white.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


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