Maroon (album)

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Barenaked Ladies - Maroon.jpg

CD - USA - 1st edition.

Artist Barenaked Ladies
Published 2000-09-12
Type Studio
Genre Alternative rock, College rock
Themes Relationships

Maroon is the fifth studio album by the band Barenaked Ladies released on 2000-09-12. It was produced by Don Was and features mostly alternative rock music. For this album, Steven Page and Ed Robertson collaborated together with most of the songs much like how they did when they started their band. The album was very successful selling over 1,000,000 copies in the US alone.


Own?Yes, CD.

Maroon came out while I was dating a young woman who loved BNL, so I heard it just as it was release, and listened to it frequently. While I wasn't a huge fan of it to begin with, I do remember instantly enjoying Pinch Me. After she and I broke up, I continued to like the band and ended up buying most of their albums. This was either the first or second album of theirs I bought, and my second favorite. In addition to memories of younger less-responsible days, the positive themes in the songs, and upbeat sound of most of the tracks, listening to this album always just makes me feel good.

Track Listing

Hidden Sun is a hidden track which plays at the end of Tonight Is the Night I Fell Asleep at the Wheel.

Track Title Composers Vocals Rank Rating
1 Too Little Too Late Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 6 Rating-5.svg
2 Never Do Anything Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 7 Rating-5.svg
3 Pinch Me Steven Page, Ed Robertson Ed Robertson 1 Rating-7.svg
4 Go Home Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page, Ed Robertson 2 Rating-7.svg
5 Falling for the First Time Steven Page, Ed Robertson Ed Robertson 3 Rating-7.svg
6 Conventioneers Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 5 Rating-6.svg
7 Sell, Sell, Sell Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 4 Rating-7.svg
8 The Humour of the Situation Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 9 Rating-5.svg
9 Baby Seat Steven Page, Stephen Duffy Steven Page 8 Rating-5.svg
10 Off the Hook Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 13 Rating-0.svg
11 Helicopters Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 10 Rating-5.svg
12 Tonight Is the Night I Fell Asleep at the Wheel Steven Page, Ed Robertson Steven Page 11 Rating-4.svg
13 Hidden Sun Kevin Hearn Kevin Hearn 12 Rating-3.svg

The album's total score is 380.


Album Art


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