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Developer Steve Howse
Publisher Steve Howse
Published 2016-03-25
Platforms Android, Browser, iOS
Genres Action, Snake
Multiplayer Simultaneous versus
Distribution Adware is a variation of the traditional Snake game developed and published by Steve Howse on 2016-03-25 as a browser game and for Android and iOS. The browser version is vastly superior.

Like a traditional snake game, you grow longer as you eat food, and die if you touch another snake's body. Unlike traditional snake games, you can touch your own body, and when an opponent dies, they become food.


Own?No. This game was never sold.
Won?No. This game doesn't have a win condition.

I first heard about when a friend was playing it during a road trip to MAG Fest 2016. Having gotten tired of the snake genre of games twenty years earlier, I wasn't very interested. I tried it awhile later and found it to be an interesting take on the old standard, but still got bored with it pretty quickly.


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3 3 3 1 3

Best Version: Browser (with a mouse)

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • Being able to increase your speed while sacrificing your length is a nice strategical mechanic.
  • I like that you can pick different snake body types, but they missed the chance at making them earnable.


  • Relying on a touch screen means you will never have decent control over your movements. The developers tried improving control with variant styles, but they all have faults. The browser version uses a mouse cursor control which is considerably easier to work with, but still not very intuitive.


  • The lag from wireless devices pretty much makes the game unplayable online unless you have a fantastic connection.

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Strong female character?FailThere are no clearly female characters.
Bechdel test?FailThere are no clearly female characters.
Strong person of color character?FailThere are no human characters.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


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