Small Radios Big Televisions

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Small Radios Big Televisions

Small Radios Big Televisions - PS4 - World.jpg

PlayStation 4 - World - Digital cover.

Developer Fire Face
Publisher Adult Swim
Published 2016-11-08
Platforms PlayStation 4, Windows
Genres Adventure, Exploration room, Graphic adventure, Passive puzzle, Puzzle
Themes Surreal
Distribution Commercial

Small Radios Big Televisions is a surreal puzzle video game developed by Fire Face and published by Adult Swim for PlayStation 4 and Windows in 2016-11-08.

The game uses a combination of hidden objects, basic labyrinths, and logic puzzles spanning five levels. Each level contains a number of cassette tapes on which small virtual worlds are stored. Inside each virtual world is a green dodecahedron which will unlock a door, but the dodecahedrons are often hidden and the tapes must be corrupted with electromagnets to discover them.


Own?Yes. On Steam with soundtrack.
Won?Yes. All levels, all lenses, missing 3 tapes.

I bought this game as part of a Humble Bundle. The screenshots looked pretty cool, so I played the game. I found it interesting enough to play to completion.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
5 5 5 5 4

Best Version: Windows

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • A lot of the virtual worlds are very interesting to look at.
  • The game is a bit too homogeneous. The length is okay, but you're doing mostly the same thing the whole time.


  • The second level has a strange puzzle which requires demagnetizing the same tapes twice, but on different magnets, which doesn't make much sense.
  • I don't understand a couple of the spigot puzzles in level 4. Even after I solved them, I wasn't sure why I won.
  • The game seems to have a story, but it doesn't make much sense.


  • Nothing.


Box Art


Longplay - PS4.


Strong female character?FailThere are no characters.
Bechdel test?FailThere are no characters.
Strong person of color character?FailThere are no characters.
Queer character?FailThere are no characters.


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