Underworld Trip

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Underworld Trip

Underworld Trip - WEB - Screenshot - Title.png

Browser - Screenshot - Title.

Developer Nekogames
Publisher Nekogames
Published 2009-05-17
Platforms Browser
Genres Platformer
Themes Mythology, Horror
Distribution Freeware

Underworld Trip is a platformer developed and published by Nekogames as a free browser game on 2009-05-17. The game was programmed in Flash.

The game is based on the Chinese mythology surrounding the afterlife. You play as a man running through dangerous realms and, at the end of each, you beg the lord of that realm to spare you, but he only condemns you to another deadly realm. When you reach the end of the eighth realm, you must choose a temple to enter and you are taken to the afterlife that bests suits you based on how well you performed.


Own?No. This game was never sold.
Won?Yes. All endings.

With Flashpoint at my disposal, I was able to try a variety of other titles by Nekogames. This one had an interesting screenshot, so I played it. I finished it many times eventually getting all of the endings.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
4 4 3 4 5

Best Version: Browser

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The atmospheric music and sound effects are quite fitting.
  • I like seeing imagery from a culture I'm unfamiliar with. I just with it were a bit more accessible with an English translation.


  • The jump controls feel a little off and take some getting used to.
  • While I generally don't mind pixelated graphics, these are barely discernible. A slightly higher resolution would have been nice.
  • When you lose control of your character at the end of level 5, it's likely that you'll get hit by an unavoidable meteor. If you time it just right, you can guarantee it will miss, but waiting there to get the timing right is very dangerous. This was the bottleneck level for me.
  • Although I generally like games which feature multiple endings, this one is a bit lazy and obtuse. The way it works is, if you die more than five times, the shrines will send you to a specific after life, far left: jigoku-dou / naraka-gati / realm of torment, top-left: gaki-dou / preta-gati / realm of extreme hunger, bottom-left: chikushou-dou / tiryagyoni-gati / realm of beasts, top-right: shura-dou / asura-gati / realm of titans, the bottom-right and far-right are random. If you die between one and four times, all shrines send you to jin-dou / manusya-gati / the human realm). If you reach the end without dying, all shrines send you to ten-dou / deva-gati / realm of the gods. The game doesn't make it clear how the alternate endings work, a player just has to play a whole lot and pay close attention to what happens each time.


  • The game is far too short. A single run through, even with lots of dying will take fewer than ten minutes. However, getting the good ending is an adequate challenge.
  • Getting the good ending requires you to beat the entire game without dying, a pretty tall order considering the sketchy controls. I probably played it a couple dozen times to get it. Although this was common game design in early platformers, by 2009, it wasn't really accessible anymore. I would have much preferred a longer, but easier, game.
  • Sometimes the player's left or right movement stops processing and your character will just freeze up on the screen. This usually fixes itself with the next keystroke, but, not always.




Longplay - Good ending.
Longplay - One of the bad endings.

Play Online



Strong female character?FailOne of the NPCs might be a woman, but they're not strong.
Bechdel test?FailNobody in the game speaks.
Strong person of color character?FailAlthough all the characters are Chinese, none are strong.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Role Staff
Producer Nekogames
Game Design Yossa
Program, Graphics Yoshio Ishii (as Y.Ishii)
Sound Yominokuni Records, Otojinen


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Underworld Trip
Japanese 冥途の旅 Meido no Tabi Journey to Hell

