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ImageMagick logo.

ImageMagick is a free open source cross-platform image editing program written in C which uses a custom scripting language to create, edit, and convert between over 200 different image formats. It can be run in various forms including a command-line program, as a PHP module, and various others.


I discovered ImageMagick around 2010 when I started working with MediaWiki and PHP programming, but I didn't really do much with it at that time. When I learned about its command line capabilities I began writing simple scripts for it to process images in batch, something I could never get the hang of in most graphic editors. When I discovered it had OLE support in 2017, I wrote dozens of JScript programs to utilize it. However, support for OLE was dropped in 2022, so I began writing a new front end called ImageMagick Tools.

Using Imagemagick

Command Line

This command line script will take a folder full of JPEGs and make a PDF document out the them where each page of the PDF has a single image centered on the page. The page size specified here yields a standard letter size (8.5" x 11") at 72 DPI.

magick *.jpg -gravity center -extent 612x792 -density 72 output.pdf

OLE Invocation

OLE support has been removed from ImageMagick with the last supported version being 7.1.0-19. There is no longer a script replacement, you are now forced to use interface to ImageMagick through a .NET programming language. You used to be able to activate OLE support in the installer by checking on the Install ImageMagickObject OLE Control for VBscript Visual Basic, and WSH box. Once installed in this way, you can access it using any program with OLE support. Here is a JScript example that creates a square JPEG image using the OLE module.

var oIM = new ActiveXObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1");
oIM.convert("-size", "512x512", "xc:white", 
 "-fill", "white", "-stroke", "black", "-draw", "rectangle 0,0 511,511", 
 "-fill", "blue", "-stroke", "none", "-font", "Tahoma", "-pointsize", "48", "-gravity", "center", "-draw", "text 0,0 'Square'", 
 "-quality", "90%", "Square.jpg");

Here are all my old ImageMagick JScript programs which you can use if you still have an old version of ImageMagick.

See Also


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