March, 2004

Find nothing, but faith in nothing
Feeling: Okay 2004/03/31

The Guru's Quandary was properly answered again.

I finally got around to filing my taxes. Stupid government, making me waste my time.

I did some clean up on my Billy Joel page.

I added a new would be girlfriend to the list. Check out the lovely Anne Hathaway, and why it simply cannot work between us.

Said that we can do it, you know I wanna do it again
Feeling: Okay 2004/03/30

Ah yes, the cheap and easy way to get plenty of web page updates.

The Guru's Quandary was properly answered last night. Can anyone else get it?

After over a year of neglect I finally got around to updating my Goo Goo Dolls page.

I wish my hair would grow faster. I've been trying to let it grow out around the back and sides so I don't have to worry about shaving the edges, but until it's long enough to reach my hair tie, it looks terrible in a ponytail.

But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me
Feeling: Injured 2004/03/29

Quick weekend recap: Friday night I went to East Lansing and played Magic at the Fortress. Went to bed around 6:00 AM. Saturday, I went to an expo in Owosso and hung out with the Shiabrucks, then went home played some pool. Sunday, I again went to the expo, and saw Silverwolf and Lady Trippingstar. Played some games of Cathedral and Senet. Got in a lot of boffer practice which left me very sore.

A new quandary is up, and last week's has been answered.

Also, the Guru's have answered another question.

I broke the shrines and reviews of the games page. It makes it a little easier to look at.

I don't own emotion, I rent
Feeling: Happy 2004/03/26

I really need to do my taxes. It's getting awfully close to the deadline. I'll probably wait until the last minute though.

A new Harry Potter 3 trailer is online! Hermione looks so hot. There is also a new poster for the movie.

Is there anyone out there who can answer The Guru's Quandary? There are only two days left.

I've added another one of my would be girlfriends. This time it's the youthful Thora Birch.

I changed some more of the links page over to be more graphical as well.

I go about my business, I'm doing fine
Feeling: Okay 2004/03/25

I had a dream that I was a little girl with an abusive father. See, this is what happens when you eat chili dogs for dinner.

The gurus have answered another question.

I had to reload the OS on my computer again today. I really need a computer without bugs. However, I now have the latest version of Corel Graphics studio, version 12. Yay me!

It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!!!
Feeling: Happy 2004/03/24

My work computer has been fully reloaded with a new harddrive. This makes me happy. Aside from having to change all the evil Microsoft default settings, it's been a smooth reload. Hopefully, I didn't lose anything important when my last harddrive went corrupt.

I've added another one of my Would Be Girlfriends. This time it's everyone's favorite singing nun, Julie Andrews.

Amazingly, someone correctly answered The Guru's Quandary.

I wrote a jukebox program for my home mp3 collection. It's basically an ActiveX of MediaPlayer on a form with a listbox and random order capability. Nothing too special, but I'm still kind of proud of it.

I've added a weather search to my little search box on the right. You enter your zip code and it queries

I've also updated the unusual city names page with the latest reader's submissions.

Ten new facts have been added about me.

Feeling: Bored 2004/03/23

No updates today, I'm reloading my computer at work and I don't have time for cool stuff.

Peel me off from this velcro seat and get me moving
Feeling: Excited 2004/03/22

Oh yeah, Saturday was the first day of spring. Another winter spent.

I recently renewed for another five years. So all you web squatters out there are just gonna have to wait. Nuts to you.

Last week's quandary has been closed and a new one is up. Good luck with it.

I've added a new section called TheAlmightyGuru's Would Be Girlfriends. It will contain all those lovely ladies who I would've dated, but it just couldn't work out. The first on the list is the lovely Jenna Elfman.

I also added several new entries to my list of Skeptic Terms.

I'm starting work on making the links page look prettier too.

I could hide out under there, I just made you say 'underwear'
Feeling: Excited 2004/03/20

Well, despite the cold weather yesterday (four degrees above freezing) I went skating anyway. My new skates rock my world. They glide so much easier than my last skates it's unbelievable! I haven't bladed since last autumn, so I'm totally out of shape, but I still went five miles and barely got winded! The only problem with them is that I got going too fast to stop easily! I think I'm in love.

I also played some more DDR last night. I should let all the local people know that the Genesee Valley Mall has raised their price to a dollar for three songs, so you would do better to go to Courtland Center where it's four for four.

Back to the land, where the sunshine heals my soul
Feeling: Pouty 2004/03/19

TheAlmightyGuru wants to go blading, but it's cold and wet out. Stupid weather not letting me skate. Bad weather, no biscuit! I might just go anyway to spite it.

Like my cool little guru guy at the top? Beautiful pixel art.

For some reason I really don't feel like adding anything big today, so I'm just going to ramble about nothing in particular like most blogs.

Hey, don't write yourself off yet
Feeling: Drained 2004/03/18

The snow is melted, and hopefully it's done for the year, but I'm not holding my breath... I need a nap.

As usual, I've added more to the games page. I'm thinking of a way to break it up because it's getting really big.

Another correct answer to the Guru's Quandary.

I've added several new sections to Wasteland.

It looks as though Weezer will be releasing a deluxe edition of their old Blue Album on the 23rd which will have all the B-Sides and more.

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the guru sleeps tonight
Feeling: Sleepy 2004/03/17

Kimberly came down to visit last night. We went to the mall and played DDR, then pool, then air hockey. It's always lots of happy fun hanging out with her.

Guess what, more updates to the games page. Who'd of thunk it?

I've also updated my Rent page with new pictures. I updated the Back to the Future page with the video game covers. I also updated The 7th Guest page with the official game patches and mouse cursors.

I was scared and tall with skates on
Feeling: Excited 2004/03/16

Whilst at the mall yesterday I ran into an old friend. He asked me how I was, what I was doing, and where I was living now. We chatted until he had to go to work. The only odd thing was that I'd never seen the person before in my life. This is because he thought I was someone else who lived in a different city. It was rather awkward, but I didn't want to tell him he was insane.

But after several stores, I finally got new blades (K2 Escapes). They're and quite comfortable, I can't wait to try them out, but today it's snowing again.

Two people correctly answered the Guru's Quandary already.

I had a strange dream last night that has been added to my Dream Log.

There are several more updates to the games page.

Surround myself around my own fantasy
Feeling: Anxious 2004/03/15

Only five days until spring, and it's about time to! I still need to get new skates, too.

My weekend was cool, I went to Grand Rapids and hung out with Nikia, Katie, and Bobby. We went to an Irish pub Saturday night which was fun. On Sunday afternoon we played Lord of the Rings Monopoly, which I probably would have won if not for a blatant disregard of the rules, but we won't talk about that.

I've posted ten more game reviews and added several links to many of the existing ones. I also reworked the game links page. The link icons have all been cleaned up and stored locally.

Last week's quandary has closed. The answer is posted and the new question is up as well. Good luck with it.

I can't take you doing that thing you do
Feeling: Dreamy 2004/03/12

I had a really good dream that involved camping with a really cute girl. I think you can fill in the rest.

Another person correctly answered the Guru's Quandary. Only two days left until the answer is revealed.

I've added ten more game reviews, several of which aren't video games this time. See, I'm diversifying.

This weekend I'm going to Grand Rapids this weekend, hopefully there is less snow there, but I doubt it.

'98 was our best year
Feeling: Annoyed 2004/03/11

More DDR last night, but I wasn't really on top of my game. Still, I got a lot of practice with standard difficulty.

Should I find it odd that my web site is the only place on the Internet that mentions obsessions with artificial tuba breeding?

Ten more game reviews have been added. Don't worry, I'll run out of games eventually. Really.

My friend Kimberly showed me this funny Shockwave demo: Crazy Rabbit.

Someone who is strong, but still a little shy
Feeling: Nondescript 2004/03/10

I had a dream that I was visiting a farm, and the farmer's daughter had a platypus. The platypus ended up attacking the hens and killed them all, which really made the rooster mad. The rooster tried to kill the platypus, but I had to save it from death. That's all I remember.

I went looking for new skates last night but didn't find any that I really liked. Well I did, but they didn't have my size. Well, since I was so close to the mall, I went and played some more DDR. I passed a few standard difficulty songs. Sweet.

Someone correctly answered the Guru's Quandary. Anyone else up to the challenge?

I've added ten more game reviews because I'm bored. Whee.

The guru's have answered another question, oh joy!

I've also added some more info on the Wasteland setting.

It rips my life away, but it's a great escape
Feeling: Sleepy 2004/03/09

I had a dream that I was at Boyne Highlands (a ski resort) with my old roommates. We left before I got a chance to ski, and I kept trying to get back to go skiing, but every time I tried, my car was dented and broken by something or someone. I woke up before I made it back, and by then my car was really trashed.

I've added a few more game reviews to the main games page, how pathetic is that? I -so- need a life.

I need to get some new blades for the spring. My last pair are totally shot.

Have you ever wondered about wall outlets? Aren't they kind of creepy? They look like little faces. Sometimes I think they are watching me...

Wait, they don't love you like I love you
Feeling: Frustrated 2004/03/08

Can anyone explain to me what the song "Maps" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is about? The song lacks coherent lyrics, but the sound is very catchy. I like it, but I don't know what I'm liking.

Somehow there is a golf ball on my balcony. How it got there, I don't know.

I played a bunch of DDR over the weekend. I passed my first 5-foot difficulty, so I'm happy.

One more person got the Guru's Quandary correct before the deadline. There is also a new quandary up.

I've updated the Games main index. I've added several more clips of various games.

I've added some more pointless data as well. The new section is called Skeptic Terms. It includes a list of many terms used by skeptics in arguments including a definition, example, and explanation of the term. Very nice for all you critical thinkers out there.

You just want to squeeze my masculinity
Feeling: Evil 2004/03/05

Uh... that is, provide that she's of legal age.

Back to reality... I played some more DDR at the mall last night, very good exercise. I got an 'A' on a 3-foot and a 'C' on a 4-foot difficulty, so I'm getting a whole lot better.

Another person got the Guru's Quandary correct.

I've added some more to the Wasteland page.

I've redesigned the main games page. The new format will allow me to showcase many more games that I don't feel like dedicating an entire shrine to.

I'm sleeping in an empty bed, can't get you outta my head
Feeling: Bored 2004/03/04

I just found out that Sonja's video card (from 1996) cannot support DirectX 8's 3D functions, which sucks. I might be forced into getting a new computer soon, egad!

A new picture of Richard Garriott has been added thanks to Ángel Villodre.

I've begun documenting my new role-playing setting called Wasteland which takes place in a post-apocalyptic Earth.

Are you a web search engine voyeur too? Check out Meta Spy and find out what people are searching for on Be warned, this is an unfiltered page.

I don't wanna know what they say, no no I don't care
Feeling: Anxious 2004/03/03

Yesterday, I got some spam that said that my email provider was going to cancel my account unless I open the email's attached file (which was a virus). It was signed by the team. The team? I am the sole owner of my site, and my company owns the email server! It was rather humorous.

There's a new Michigan advertisement. Did you know that Michigan's Upper Peninsula has more commercial-grade copper than anywhere in the world?

Added fifty more song lyrics to my ever growing lyric archive. It's getting pretty full. There aren't very many more songs I know and like left to add.

Another person correctly answered the Guru's Quandary.

I need you while my piano gently weeps
Feeling: Bizarre 2004/03/02

I had a dream of myself, a rifle, a platoon, a battle, a school, a demon girl, a bear, and some students. In that order. Weird.

The gurus have answered another question. Whee-doggy.

For those who want DDR foot training but without the music, patterns, or scoring (yeah, that pretty much makes it pointless) check out my DDR Practice Program.

Someone correctly answered the Guru's Quandary yesterday. See, this one is actually possible!

My entries from the month of February have been pushed to the Old News page.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, now is the time, let's get out of here
Feeling: Wired 2004/03/01

Hey look, it's March! Only ninteen more days until Spring. It's certainly acting like it here, it was nice and warm all weekend.

Eleven Oscars baby! Who's the big winner now? "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" 0wN$ j00! w00t!

Friday night, I went to East Lansing to the Fortress and played some games all night. Around midnight my friends and I watched a terrible movie called "The Warriors". We're talking Mystery Science Theater 3000 quality here. It was very funny even though it wasn't supposed to be.

Saturday, I went to the mall picked up a new Pink Floyd shirt and played Dance Dance Revolution for a few hours. Sunday, I went to the mall again and played some more DDR. I can now pass most 4-foot difficulties so I'm getting better. I also got a new pair of shoes for the summer.

Nobody was able to get the Guru's Quandary last week again. I think I'm going to have to make my questions a little bit easier. Anyway, the new question is up now.